Lego Advent: Day 1

Categories Lego Advent

Is this about sailing? Clearly not, but it’s December and the boat is on the hard.

Santa has visited early this year, and has brought a Lego Advent calendar. There are 24 little numbered doors, each containing a dime bag of Legos. There’s a new toy or doodad to build every day, which, in turn, builds anticipation for Christmas.

I will build these and attempt to discern what they are.

December 1: Blue Thunder

This is Blue Thunder, the titular helicopter from the 1983 movie Blue Thunder, in which Roy Scheider contemplates the wisdom of adding attack helicopters to the arsenal of the Los Angeles Police Department while carefully avoiding being cast in Jaws 3-D.


Fun ★★★★★

It’s a helicopter. That’s pretty fun.

Ease of Build ★★★★☆

It’s difficult to imagine that anything will get a five star rating here, since the only instructions are drawn on the inside of the tiny door of the Advent calendar, but this was better than most.

Comprehensibility ★★★★★

This is very clearly Blue Thunder, from the movie Blue Thunder. I’m not sure what the significance of Blue Thunder is to a Lego city, and I hope that they’re not going out of their way to heavily arm their police force, but in the abstract, at least I understand what it is.

Extra Parts ★★★☆☆

Much like when I put an engine back together, there are always extra parts. This one comes with two round things and a triangular thing.

Overall ★★★★★

This is a strong start.

"Prepare to fend off the bridge abutment."