
This is not the last log entry of the season. The last log entry of the season will follow the last sail of the season, which hasn’t happened yet. Never mind that the marina is closed. Never mind that every day is colder than the last, or that the wind is like having bricks thrown at you, or that everything around me seems to be operating as if the gears were missing teeth. Gravity as my witness, I will make it down that boat ramp at least one more time.

As usual, the lack of sailing has left me frayed and obnoxious to be around, and I have turned to stupid computer things to limit my interactions with other humans. A friend showed me a gloriously warped website: http://www.hosanna1.com

please click to experience the full effect


I can’t really do it justice, but I was overwhelmed with thoughts about what the Sailing Fortuitous boat log would look like in this style, and had had to give it a shot: /vintage

  click for full immersion 

Vintage Fortuitous

It’s going to be a long winter.

But we’re not done yet…come gales or low water (there is literally a gale warning in effect right now and there was no water in the marina the last time I was there) we’re going to sail. This is no longer a vacation. It’s a quest.



"Prepare to fend off the bridge abutment."

5 thoughts on “Quest

  1. Ahh, the good ol’ days, when public access to the World Wide Web was in it’s infancy, and animated GIFs made their debut…

    Chip, I’m literally crying tears of joy here. That Geocities-esque theme of your vintage page has been the best thing I have seen on the internet for a long time. I only wish I had speakers here on my work computer to hear whatever MIDI file you surely have playing in the background 😉

  2. Here's an e-mail I received earlier this afternoon:

    Tomorrow's Capri racing is canceled. The forecast calls for sustained winds of 25-35 knots with gusts of 40-45 knots and 6' waves.

    Stay safe

    I feel your pain Chip, but I don't think I'll be building beautiful web pages to pass the time. 😉

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